Looking for a babysitter?
Childminders in Gemeinde Reisenberg →
Babysitting job in your area:
We found 2 job offers for you.
9360 Friesach
Babysitter, Nanny and Childminder
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer sympathischen Kinderbetreuerin, die bereit ist, in 9360 Friesach zu arbeiten. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns ab September regelmäßig unterstützen kann. Die Kinder wären nur in St.Salvator bei der VS zu holen u…
Babysitting job in your area:
Are you looking for a babysitting job? Several thousand families are registered on our platform - choose the one that suits you best. It's child's play: Simply create a meaningful profile with photo on Babysitter24 and soon babysit children in your area. New job offers are advertised every day - don't miss them! Register now and choose from our wide range of babysitter jobs in all Austrian provinces as well as in the largest cities such as Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg and many more.