How do I quickly find a suitable job on Babysitter24?

Are you a babysitter, nanny, childminder, or childminder searching for a job with a nice family? On Babysitter24 you can find numerous childcare jobs in your area. Read more about how you can find the perfect job as quickly as possible.

Create a free profile


Start your job search by signing up for free on Babysitter24 and creating your personal profile. To find a suitable job quickly, fill out your profile as accurately as possible. Describe your qualifications, experience, and state your availability.


"Dear parents, I have many years of experience as a nanny with children in different ages. I can start immediately and am available every day during the week."



The more personal you create your profile, the more likely you are to get a job. Therefore, upload a friendly profile photo. Many parents don't even look at profiles without an image. With a picture, your profile immediately looks more trustworthy and parents can get a better impression of you.

Notifications of new jobs


We inform you about new job offers on Babysitter24 immediately by e-mail. After all, you have the best chances if you apply quickly to newly advertised jobs. The notifications can be deactivated at any time in your settings.

Find suitable jobs


Become proactive yourself and find your next babysitting job by using the search and filter function! Save suitable openings in your favourites list and apply for your desired job with a friendly message.

More jobs with profile verification


Use the verification and make your profile more trustworthy for parents. The verification process is free of charge for you and only takes a few minutes. All you need is an identity document and your smartphone. Afterwards, your profile will receive a "Verified" badge.

More successful with premium


With a premium account, your profile is prominently highlighted and displayed further up in the search results. As a Premium member, you also see who has visited your profile and can proactively apply by message. Premium membership is available for a small monthly fee and includes a satisfaction guarantee.

Learn more about premium

Clarify details regarding the job

If your application generates interest from the parents, you will soon receive a reply. Afterwards, get in touch to discuss details regarding the job and exchange your contact details via the message function. You can also immediately make an appointment for an introduction or a trial placement.



If you do not receive a reply, it is most likely not because of you. Perhaps the other person is not a Premium member. Or the job offer is no longer available, but has not been hidden yet. In any case, make sure your profile is detailed and informative. That way you increase your chances of getting a quick response.

Take care of the formalities


You have landed your dream job? Congratulations! At this point, discuss the type of employment with your family so that you are covered by social security and by casualty insurance. In case you are employed on a minor basis, you can be paid with the service voucher (DLS). Otherwise, permanent employment is recommended. If you are self-employed with a trade licence, you can also work on invoice.

Your first step to the perfect job

Create your personal profile on Babysitter24 now! With our large selection of childcare jobs, you are guaranteed to find the perfect job for you.